Kian Finnegan

Hi, my name is Kian, welcome to my home on the Internet. I live in Brisbane, Australia. After 10+ years in the IT industry as a Programmer Analyst, I have decided to seek out a new career and passion in life, cooking. Drop me a note to say hi or find me on social media bringing you incredible food posts.

Cooking Up a Storm

Welcome to my true passion in life, cooking. This website is dedicated to sharing the fine art of cooking, being a baker and how to create amazing food that can be shared with friends and family.

Links: Twitter, Stacy Morley, Ashlee D, Agatha, Heather A.


"Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything" -- Julia Child


Currently eating and cooking in Brisbane, follow me for recipes varying from making pho to making chop suey in a pressure cooker. I'm always eager to hear from other chefs and would love to hear from you too!

Blog [Coming Soon]
